Lisa Robinson

Summary of teaching experience

I homeschooled our three daughters from 4th grade through 12th grade. We experienced Public, Private, and Homeschool systems. We were part of four Homeschool hybrid programs and we were very active in the Homeschool Speech/Debate community. I have operated a successful tutoring and test prep business for over 10 years and enjoy working with 1st – 12th graders from all realms of the education system.

Level of education and specific focus

I have an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science and a master’s degree in Business Administration. I worked in the computer industry as a project manager for 5 years until the Lord by his grace called me to raise up our children.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

When our children were in elementary school, one of their teachers asked if I ever had considered homeschooling; I laughed, but when I look back I think she saw things in me I didn’t. I enjoy finding different ways of addressing a problem and seeing the AHA! Moment. I always try to encourage and lead my students based on their bent.

What do you appreciate the most about the Principle Approach?

Everything leads back to the Master, and the Principle Approach provides the tools to lead a student there. As I seek that AHA! Moment, it always appears through the Truth of God’s Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

How do you teach a biblical worldview to your classroom?

The Principle Approach starts with researching ennobled vocabulary defined by the Biblical worldview definition. All thinking originates on that foundation and encompasses Biblical worldview.

What do you want students to appreciate about your class?

I would want them to have a joyful expectation for learning the truths of God’s Word in such a way that it is woven into the fabric of all we do. Because of the Holy Spirit in me, I look for the uniqueness and purpose in each child. I want each child to rejoice in knowing how special they are to me.

What is unique about you, your talents that you bring to the classroom?

In my daughter’s 3rd grade class, many years ago, she had one little boy that was a handful. He was bold and assertive. He always had something to say and was very definitive in what he wanted. I asked her teacher “how do you handle him?” She said, "He will be a man some day that will not waiver in defending Truth. He will have a bold voice. He may need some boundaries, but he has a very special purpose." Her vision taught me to look at each child with God’s leading through His eyes.